CONNECT-IT reflects the region's vision for ITS implementation as of 2018, when this architecture was developed. Over time, needs will change and, as technology progresses, new ITS opportunities will arise. Shifts in the region’s needs and focus and changes in the National ITS Architecture will necessitate that CONNECT-IT be updated to remain a useful resource for the Region.
Maintenance Committee
Metro will continue to be the champion of CONNECT-IT and will proactively manage changes into the future. Metro will convene a CONNECT-IT Maintenance Committee consisting of a small cross section of members representative of the region’s stakeholders. A 9-member committee is suggested, consisting of Metro, LA County DPW, Caltrans, Port(s), a small city, a large city, a transit agency, RIITS, and an emergency service provider. The committee may reach out to get input for other stakeholders in the region as needed. This committee will meet regularly (likely quarterly) to take a proactive approach to maintaining a current architecture and will meet as needed to oversee and approve interim or full updates as defined below.
Approach to Changes
When projects are being planned in the region that are not currently reflected in the architecture, project sponsors can provide information via a form on the website. Metro will provide technical support to revise the architecture as needed. There are three different categories of modifications defined, including: administrative, interim and full updates.
Administrative Update
Small changes that are more administrative in nature that do not have broad impacts to other projects or data flows may be conducted at Metro’s request without input from the committee.
Interim Update
An interim update is less intensive, requiring fewer in-person interactions and is less demanding on available resources. The updates that would warrant this level of update would be new project implementations or expansions. Changes can be requested by project sponsors. The type of information to be updated would include agency name changes, element changes, or flow status (change from future to existing.) Metro will then make minor changes to the architecture document and companion RAD-IT database, and this website. As the configuration management process takes some time, a list of changes will be kept and the architecture will be updated likely on a quarterly basis as needed.
Full Update
A full update focuses on updating all facets of a regional architecture. It requires more interactions with the stakeholders over multiple meetings and workshops. A full update is more comprehensive will take more time and resources as it requires outreach to elicit new information from all involved stakeholders (as opposed to the interim update that is reactive to requests from stakeholders). It is recommended that a full update be conducted approximately every 5 years or if needed based on one or more significant projects in the region that affect multiple stakeholders and/or interfaces.