Connected vehicle (CV) technology has the potential to transform transportation through the creation of safe, interoperable wireless communications networks, which includes passenger cars, buses, freight, train, traffic signals, smart phones, and other connected devices. In addition, autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies have the potential to disrupt existing transportation systems and cities through the deployment of self-driving vehicles that are safer and faster than human-operated vehicles. These technologies aim to address some of the biggest challenges in surface transportation in the areas of safety, mobility, and the environment.
Metro, along with local agencies and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW), is investigating potential CV applications that would benefit the local agencies in Los Angeles County. Currently, Metro, LACDPW, and City of Carson are implementing SPaT broadcasting via cellular communications along two corridors in the City of Carson. The SPaT broadcast will support Eco-Drive applications that are being prepared by private entities and academia, to support freight truck movement adjacent to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Metro, LACDPW, and City of Arcadia are implementing SPaT broadcasting along Live Oak Avenue in the City of Arcadia. This supports pilot projects that are being conducted by private entities, academia, and auto manufacturers. Future SPaT deployments are currently being sought in the Los Angeles region.

Lead Agency(ies)
LA County DPW
Local Agencies
Port of Long Beach
Port of Los Angeles
ITS Services
VS14 Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (Planned)- Caltrans
ST08 Eco-Approach and Departure at signalized Intersections (Planned)- Caltrans
ST08 Eco-Approach and Departure at signalized Intersections (Planned)- LA County
ST08 Eco-Approach and Departure at signalized Intersections (Planned)- LADOT
ST08 Eco-Approach and Departure at signalized Intersections (Planned)- Local Agency
TM04 Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System (Planned)- Caltrans
TM04 Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System (Planned)- LA County
TM04 Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System (Planned)- LADOT
TM04 Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System (Planned)- Local Agency
SU04 Map Management (Planned)- Caltrans
SU04 Map Management (Planned)- LA County
SU04 Map Management (Planned)- LADOT