This includes projects that support emergency response, related traffic management and routing, and upgrades to systems and equipment for incident and emergency management. These projects, programs, and activities may work in coordination with the region's emergency operations centers and assist in delivering traveler/public safety information for area-wide alerts.
Lead Agency(ies)
Local Emergency First Responders
Local Emergency Dispatchers
Associated Stakeholders
LA County
Caltrans D7
Local Agencies
ITS Services
PS01 Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch (Operate)- Emergency Management
PS06 Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders (Operate)- CHP
PS06 Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders (Operate)- Public Vehicles
PS08 Roadway Service Patrols (Operate)- LASAFE
PS10 Wide-Area Alert (Operate)- LA Region
PS10 Wide-Area Alert (Operate)- LA Region
PS10 Wide-Area Alert (Operate)- LA Region
PS10 Wide-Area Alert (Operate)- LA Region
PS10 Wide-Area Alert (Operate)- LA Region